Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:19 am

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
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- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

General Global Rules * No Spamming * No Flaming * No Bumping * No Advertising - Posting or PM's, it is NOT allowed. If you would like to buy advertising space, contact AzzidReign. If you post a tutorial, you can state the SOURCE of the tutorial but the whole tutorial must be posted on our site (Example of what is allowed) * Do not abuse the "Request awards" feature. This will give you a 10 point infraction that never expires. Please read about our infraction system below for more information. * A general rule of thumb - like my ma-ma-mamma always said "If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all". Poor grammar, but you catch the drift. Not all opinions need to be expressed. * Keep the foul language to a minimum. We have many young kids here as well as people on the site that find it offensive so please be considerate. * Give Proper Credit - If you have to post someone else's work, please give them proper credit (Name and site) * Do not rip our material - If you want to use one of our tutorials, resources, etc., please contact the author and be sure to put his/her name as well as our site if you post it elsewhere. * Clean sig space - Please keep your sig space to 2 sigs and 3 userbars at reasonable height and widths. * Please post in the correct forum - If you request for help, please be sure to use our support forums. * Do not type in ALL CAPS or EvERy OtHeR caps. * No racism or hate comments * Do NOT post messages saying you are leaving the site. If you are going to leave, just leave. If you think people are going to miss you, contact them on an instant messenger.Rules may change without notice. If we feel a member has acted out but has not "broken" any rules on this page, we will make exceptions.General Politeness * Use the THANKS button -If you like what someone has posted, please use the thanks button as a token of gratification. This is how contributors know that they are appreciated. * Help out - When helping people, please give C&C. This site is a learning site so we accept people of all skill level in modding, skinning, etc. Please do not be rude when commenting. Rude comments may receive a warning; 2nd offense will be an infraction. * Use our SEARCH feature - People tend to not like to repeat themselves so please search before asking for help. * Respect - Please give the utmost respect to all members, especially our Staff. Infractions will be given out to those who don't respect members and staff. * Keep it private - If you don't like someone or what someone did, please use the PM system.